Valentine’s Day Treasure Truck
We often collaborate with Colony Square on chalk projects. They are working to reimagine their prominent location in order to make it a work, play, live environment in the heart of Midtown Atlanta. My favorite spot is next to the Midtown sign and we were thrilled when we were invited to chalk next to it. This project was led by Meg Mitchell of Everlong Creative. We created a chalk drawing to promote the Amazon Treasure Truck for Valentine’s Day. We were able to bring all that we love about Atlanta into one drawing to show how Atlanta loves Amazon. Meg came up with the idea and I put together a few images to reference. You can see my mock up below.

Design Concept
We worked with this mock up as a guide. We did not draw everything but included some prominent Atlanta locations. The composition evolved as we collaborated on site. Meg made the heart into a peach behind the Colony Square logo which was the perfect touch. I focused on the Chick-fil-a Cow and the tiger shark from the GA Aquarium. See our other Ga Aquarium project here.
Zach surprised me with flowers and chocolates from the Amazon Treasure Truck! I had no idea he actually got it for me and was not expecting it. He is so sweet!