Lorem Ipsom and Other Ipsoms
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit….WHAT???
Many people in the design world use Lorem Ipsum. It can be used in many fields; print design, website design, development, wireframes and prototypes and more. It is meant to be filler copy for any design. You can generate paragraphs, lists, headlines and more. Anywhere there are words it can be used. This allows designers and developers to focus on the experience and look of the design without needing to write the actual sentences. You can customize it to any length and use different fonts to see what fits best in your design. It is perfect for when the copywriter is still working and you want to get ahead. You must always remember that content is king however. If your actual copy doesn’t fit then you will need to rework your design. Usually the designer will know if it needs to have a paragraph, single line, or list format. Copy should be able to be easily placed within a design during development phase if the lorem ipsum is accurate. It is a fine balance and requires a good designer. It all can be perfected through experience.
Where did Lorem Ipsum originate?
Lorem Ipsum has been used since the 1500s as filler text for manuscripts. It is used because it has the most variety of lettering to explore any page layout.
My Favorite Ipsums
Bacon Ipsum
Samuel L Ipsum
Hipster Ipsum
Cupcake Ipsum
Cat Ipsum
Zombie Ipsum
Pirate Ipsum
Cheese Ipsum
Hodor Ipsum