Marietta Chalk Fest 2014

I was honored to come back to the Marietta Chalk Festival a second year in a row. It is such a rewarding experience to chalk by so many talented people. This year there were even more people from Florida and some from California. It is popular to have festivals in those states because the weather is nice most of the year. This year’s theme was fall. I really enjoy drawing portraits so I decided to draw a fantasy character who is a woman with horns. This is absolutely my favorite piece I have drawn so far. I am never really upset when they are removed or washed away but when the street opened up I nearly cried. I put everything into this piece and it really showed.

Chalk Art Start Marietta 2014

Getting an early morning start

Jessi Queen Chalk Portrait

I always start with the face


Jessi Queen Marietta Chalk Progress

Taking a break after some good progress


Zach's mom always comes out to watch

Zach’s mom always comes out to watch


Blue Sky Chalk Sponsors

Zach chalked our sponsor logo


Blue Sky Chalk Sponsors

We met our sponsors!


Day 1 Marietta Chalk Fest

We are satisfied at the end of day one


Day two had a bit of rain


Chalk Art Progress

Julie from Florida helped me complete the hair

Jessi Queen Marietta Chalk Festival 2014

The final piece!