Starting my Career at Razorfish!
During my last week of school everything fell into place. I was really blessed to have recieved so much positive attention at Out to Launch. My hard work over the past 4 years had really payed off. I met Andrea Gill at the event and she passed my name on to her team at Razorfish. I had several interviews and presented my work to a few different companies. I was still in the midst of finals when I received the call! I was ecstatic. I accepted the position as Associate Motion Designer at the Atlanta office of Razorfish.
After I told my family and friends they were excited but unsure. This did not help the butterflies I had fluttering inside me. I was so nervous to leave the comforts of my SCAD home and embark on the the path to my career. Then on graduation day came. The valedictorian, Stephany Gill, said in her speech that she chose a position at Razorfish as well. There was also Alejandra. The fact that my classmates chose this path as well was reassuring. I knew that everything would turn out for the best. There were so many positive things about the company. It is so close to my apartment that I can walk if I want!
So I took a mini vaca to Savannah to chill with my childhood best friend, Aeriel Whitworth before I entered the real world and started my very firt “career” job. We chilled out on Tybee at the beach house her family rented.
And it is like my career advisor Lynn Barett said, “You don’t apply to jobs; you are meeting people.” The “people” at Razorfish were awesome. I have since made friends with Andrea, Stephanie, and Alejandra. They are so sweet and are awesome designers.
And Lastly…

My favorite part of all! The room with the giant fishbowl! It is a huge screen for projects and presenting.
You can learn more about my company by visiting their website at:
Or you can just add a comment and ask me!