Bragg Jam Logo

 Bragg Jam is an anual summer music festival that takes place in Macon Ga. It hosts a variety of bands all across venues downtown. Headliners include Dirty…

Starting my Career at Razorfish!

During my last week of school everything fell into place. I was really blessed to have recieved so much positive attention at Out to Launch. My hard…

Graduation from Savannah College of Art and Design

My cap was very decorated. Gold for Cum Laude and red for my Interactive Design major. All my best friends, and the bf, were there to support…


Out to Launch is an annual event that SCAD holds to showcase some of the best students in each major. It is a chance for them to…

Christmas on the Sidewalk!

  The following are pieces I have done recently. Enjoy! The Grinch piece was for the Pure Imagination Charity event dinner and show. Zach is amazing.  He…

My First Week at Engauge!

Hello All! I have not written in a while, but I have not been slacking.  These first few weeks of summer have been filled with sending out…

Code can be beautiful.

To design the "pretty" you must architect the code. Read More One question I often have as a student at design school is "how much of web…

Sidewalk Art Festival 2011

The Savannah Sidewalk Arts Festival is a great opportunity for SCAD students to get together and decorate Savannah's largest central park.  This past weekend us Atlanta students…

Animal Rescue Idea

The iterative design process is one that many designers take for granted.  It is more helpful than one would imagine. The first step is the ideation process.…
On a carnival ride one feels the most alive.


life is an experience of the senses.